Park View Sr
High School
, South Hill, VA
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Iris Alexander
Nathaniel Alexander
Virginia Alexander
Lynn Allen (Minter)
Sandra Allen
Earnest Alston
Gloria Bacon
Irene Bagley (Williams)
Joe Bagley
William Barner
Joyce Barnes
Floyd Baskerville
Nathaniel Baskerville
Delbert Blue
Nina Bowers
Beatrice Boyd
Patricia Boyd
Susan Bracey (Sheppard)
Ann Britt
Annie Broady (Thorne)
Celestine Brown (Macklin)
Curtis Brown
Judy Brown
William Bryson
Barry Callis
Rhina Callis (Jones)
Betty Carter (Billingsley)
Edwina Cassada (Smith)
John Chandler
John Chavis
James Clary
Mattie Clary
Thomas Nicholas Cleaton
Carralton Clements (Johnson)
Albert Coleman
Doris Cousin
David Crawford
Winfred Creedle
Eleanor Crenshaw
Larry Crenshaw
Allen Cumbia
Otis Doug Cumbia
Rhonda Cypress
Alice Davis (Walker)
Avon Davis
Yvonne Davis
Lillian Drummond (Belcher)
Dudley Duffer
Valinda Dyer
Gary Evans
Robert Ezell
Virginia Ezell (Wells)
Richard Farrar
Joan Feggins
Linda George
Matthew George
Vernell Ghee
Chalmers Gordon
Clarence Green
Alfreda Gregory (Alexander)
James Gregory
Carolyn Hamlin
Stafford Harper
Frederick Harris
James Harris
Jack Haskin
John Hayes
Trudy Hendrick (Creedle)
Clyde Hicks
Edith Holmes (Lafalaise)
Richard Holmes
William Holmes
Rufus Hubbard
Anna Hudgins
Rosa Hudgins
John Hudson
Annie Eva Hutcheson (Dove)
Theda Hutcheson (Bugg)
Alvin Jiggetts
Carolyn Jiggetts
Elvoide Jiggetts
George Johnson
Delma Jones
Herbert Jones
John Jones
Judy Jones
Linda Darnell Jones
Sylvia Jones
Willie Gene Jones
Jane Jordan (Davis)
Calvin King
Jerry Kinker
Cecelia Kirkland (Fitzgerald)
Judy Lynch
Al Macklin
Joseph Macklin
Thomas Martin
James Ray Matthews
Annette Mayo
Lewis Merritte
Birdena Miller
Annie Minor
Thomas Minor
Elizabeth Moody
Gerard Moore
Dwight Morris
Richard Morris
Carolyn Moseley
Betty Gail Nance (Santore)
Herbert Newman
Johnny Northington
Mary Parham
Barry Patillo
Dorothy "Dot" Paynter (Prz…)
Samuel Perry
Lillian Phillips (Alston)
Mary Lena Phillips
Mary Lucy Phillips (Thompson)
Micheal Poythress
Suzanne Poythress (Nesbit)
Joseph Ratliffe
Ellen Read
Jimmy Reese
Carol Reid
Helen Richards
Darius Robinson
Elarius Robinson
Jo Anne Robinson
Larry Robinson
Maxine Robinson
Brenda Rogers (Tanner)
Edgar Rogers
Sandra Russell (Crosson)
Leontine Seward (Lewis)
Carolyn Simmons (Graham)
Virginia Smelley (Haskins)
Alice Smith
Anthony Smith
Alfreida Talley
Bessie Talley
Mildred Talley
Bertha Terry (Allen)
Sarah Thomas
Carolyn Thompson
Kenneth Thompson
Margaret Thorne (Bracey)
Mary Lois Tisdale
Gladys Tolbert
Linda Tudor (Edwards)
Brenda Valentine (Jones)
Lewis Valentine
Robert Valentine
Anna Walker (Weaver)
Bonnie Walker (Chumney)
John Walker
Pamela Walker
Ofelia Wartmen (Alston)
Floyd Wells
James Whisonant
Dale White
Ida Whitehead
Marita Wilkins (Campbell)
Raymond Williams
Sandra Williams
Walter Williams
Barbara Wilson (Tanks)
Janice Wise (Walsh)
Guest Members
Elaine (Cumbia)
Rachel (Brooks)
Brenda Adams (Taylor)
Nelson Allgood
Howard Armistead
Margaret Britt
Larry (Bubba) Chavis
Frankie Coleman (Doyle)
Catherine Crowder (Our Band Tea…)
Nancy Crowder (Chaplin)
Wayne Daniel
Mary Alice Davis
Wesley Dunn
Allison Glass
Mrs. Mary Hicks (Beloved…
Barbra Johnson
Audrey Jones (Bragg)
Willie M Jones
Darnell Kennedy
Leigh Lambert
Clay Lee
Ann Mahan
Margaret Martin (Vaughan)
Faye Matthews (Big Supporter!)
Mike Moody
Jan Nuckols
Woody Oakley
Patricia Ogburn (Dec…
Terry O'Steen
Charles Ozlin
Cathy Reid (Rodwell)
Chris Rowley
Kenneth Sadler
Nickie Santore
Tom Saunders
Norm Talley (Big Supporter!)
Pat Taylor (Bullard)
Anita Thompson (Kallam)
Mr. Marlyn G. Walker (Be…
Mary Laura Wells
Norma Wilkins
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